You must be a Manager or Administrator, or have been assigned custom User permissions, in order to create, edit, clone or delete menu templates. To learn more about User Roles and Permissions in SoupedUp, click here.

In SoupedUp, every menu is based on a Menu Template. The Menu Template determines the following in the menu:

  • Which meal services are offered (Course Settings) e.g Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, Supper.
  • The maximum number of meal courses to be offered at each meal service e.g 3 courses - Soup, Main and Dessert.
  • How many choices apply to each course e.g Lunch may include one soup choice, four main choices and two dessert choices.
  • What additional menu lines are available e.g Accompaniment, Side, Vegetable etc.
  • How many weeks the menu runs for (Cycle Settings) e.g 1-8 weeks.
  • Any rules or limitations that apply to which meals can be selected in the menu (Choice Rules) e.g Dessert choices may consist of one complex dessert and one simple dessert.

To access your Menu Templates:

  1. Select Catering from the side nav bar.
  2. Click on Menus.
  3. Select Template Structure and then Templates.

This takes you to your Manage Templates page. 

Manage Templates is where you can Add a New Template, View a Template, Edit a Template and Clone a Template.

Under the Manage Templates heading you can see:

  • Template Name and Site.
  • User Created (Date)
  • User Updated (Date).
    You can also see:

  • Status (Green is Active, Yellow is Planning, Red is Inactive and Grey is Not in Use.
  • Visible (Green is Visible and Red is Invisible).
  • Actions.

Top Tips:

  • A Menu Template must be Active before it can be made Visible.
  • A Menu Template must be Visible in order to be Cloned.
  • To change the Template Status or Visibility, simply click on the Status or Visible buttons.