Locate and View Active Menu

To view your Active menu:

  1. Select Catering from the side nav bar.
  2. Click on Menus.
  3. Select Active Menu.


View Active Menu Details

From here you can see the following details for your Active menu:

  • Menu Name.
  • Menu Start Date and End Date (ensuring menu start is on a Monday and menu end is on a Sunday)
  • Menu Template Name.
  • Menu Template Description.

Under the Menu Management heading on this page you can see your Active menu displayed in a weekly format. 

To navigate between weeks, simply click on the Week tab you wish to view e.g Week 2 or Week 3.

Editing an Active Menu

To edit an Active menu, click the Edit Menu button on the top right hand corner of this page and you will be directed to Manage Menus.

It is important to note that any changes made to active menus will impact orders currently placed in the Resident Menu Selection Forms (electronic orders).

NB: Active menu cannot be edited to change the current set menu dates. If you need to change the end date to commence a new menu earlier than expected, you will need to deactivate the Active menu first with instructions provided below.

Extending an Active Menu

You can clone a new menu to extend the current Active menu for a further period as required. This is useful when you are are still developing your new season menus. Click on this link to locate the article to guide you to Clone a menu and you can also refer to Manage Menus as required.

Deactivating an Active Menu

There are a few reasons why you may choose to deactivate your current Active menu which is explained in detail in the Deactivating a Menu article. Deactivating a Menu.