You must be a Manager or Administrator, or have been assigned custom User permissions, in order to add, edit or delete Recipes.

Team Members and Viewers can view Recipes only.  To learn more about User Roles and Permissions for Recipes in SoupedUp, click here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a Head Office functionality in SoupedUp and Templates and Master Menus are built via your Head Office, then Recipes should always be added/cloned via Head Office and not via site, to ensure availaiblity of Recipes across all your sites.

Accessing Recipe Management

  • Select Catering from the side navigation pane
  • Click on Kitchen
  • Select Recipes

Recipe Filter and Sort Options

Once accessing Recipe Management, search filter and sort options will then be displayed enabling you to filter and sort for Recipes:

Filter Options:

  • By Menu
  • By Category
  • By Title
  • By Ingredients
  • By Status

Select your filter options and click on Go

Sort Options: 

  • Show All Facility Only
  • Show All SoupedUp Only 
  • Sort By 
    • Category + Ascending or Decending 
    • Recipe Title + Ascending or Decending 
    • User last updated + Ascending or Decending
  • Clear all Filters (to clear current selected filters)

Select your sort option(s) and click on Go

When selecting a sort option Show All Facility Only or Show all SoupedUp Only will display the recipes available as per your sort selection.

Advanced Sort Options:

There are also a number of advanced filtering options that can be accessed by clicking 'Show More Filter Options':

Recipes can then also be filtered by:

  • Allergens/Dietary Restrictions (Include or Exclude)
  • Texture (Include or Exclude)
  • Special Diets (Include or Exclude)

Search for a Recipe

There are over 1460 recipes in SoupedUp and searching 'By Title' is the fastest way to locate a recipe.  Type the recipe title in the filter, for example 'Apricot Chicken' or use the drop down  and click on Go.  The recipe and information will be displayed in the following columns:

  • Product Image 
  • Recipe Title
  • Allergens/Dietary Restrictions
  • Texture Types
  • Category
  • Cost per Serve (only if you subscribe to our Budgets module)
  • Status
  • Visible
  • Actions

You can choose to type the whole recipe name or begin typing part of the recipe name in 'By Title' and allowing search function to locate recipe options for your selection via the drop down box:

The recipe will then be displayed 

View Recipe

Once you have located your chosen recipe in Recipe Management:

To View the Recipe:

  1. Click on the View icon in the Actions column for the chosen recipe:
  2. Under View Recipe, you will see the Recipe Description, Ingredients, Method, Texture Types, Nutritional Information, Allergens and Dietary Restrictions (if any) and Nested Recipes (if any):
  3. Change the recipe units, as desired.  Click here to learn more about Recipe Serving Sizes in SoupedUp.
  4. To Print the individual recipe, click the blue Generate Report button, then click on the downloaded PDF to open and print:

To learn how to generate a recipe book, click on this link: Recipe Book.

To learn how to add a recipe, click on this link: Add New Recipe.