1.    Purpose

This is intended as a guide to assist in identifying and actioning interface errors that might be experienced between your Clinical System and SoupedUp.

2.    What is an Integration Error

Integration errors occur when data that has been entered into your Clinical System is not able to be ‘read’ or ‘mapped’ into your SoupedUp system.  

In order for data to map correctly into SoupedUp, we require connectivity to the Clinical System and data that has been entered in specific formats as listed in our accompanying spreadsheet (SoupedUp Allergies_Dietary Restrictions_Intolerances_Special Diets_Likes_Dislikes). 

Some examples of why interface errors may occur are:

•    A difference in terms used (deviation from our supplied spreadsheet)

•    Spelling errors

•    A breakdown in connectivity between the two applications

3.    How will I know if an Integration Error has occurred? 

If any integration errors between SoupedUp and your Clinical System occur, they will be recorded by SoupedUp.

You can see any integration errors by either:

•    Receiving an API Communication Error email

•    Generating an Integration Log Reports from your SoupedUp system.

3.1   API Emails 

To receive SoupedUp API Error emails, you need to confirm who will be your Integration Manager and provide SoupedUp with name and email address of your choice and SoupedUp will add this for notifications.  It is required that our client provides at least one User email address who will receive the notifications, however a clinical and a catering Integration Manager is best recommendation.

Please arrange this through your Implementation Manager or our Helpdesk.

API Communication Error emails will come from the following email address:  info@soupedup.com

The email header will appear in the following format:

[API Communication Error] – <Your Organisation Name> – <Your Site Name> – <Your Clinical System>

3.2     Integration Log Reports

To view and generate an Integration Log Report from within your SoupedUp system you will need Administrator and Integration Management Role assigned to your User Profile.

Once you have the correct User Roles, you can view and generate an Integration Log Reports by:

Selecting Administration | Integration Logs from the left-hand menu in your site.

4.    What do the Error Messages look like?

4.1    Emails

An API Communication Error email may have just one error listed, or multiple errors.

The email will always include:

•    The URL of your SoupedUp system

•    The area of the Clinical System, or form within the Clinical System where the data is being sourced from

•    A date and time stamp


Update resident dietary details

06-09-2021 12:17:19

4.2 Details if just one error

The following is an example of an error message that might be received via email for a resident:


<Resident Name>: ValueNotMapped: Assistive Beverage Devices: normal cup saucer glass is not mapped.

4.3 Details if multiple errors

Resident Name: ValueNotMapped: DietaryRequirements: lowsugar is not mapped.


Resident Name: ValueNotMapped: DietaryRequirements: Sustagen is not mapped.


Resident Name: ValueNotMapped: DietaryRequirements: FortisipCompactProteinDrink is not mapped.


Resident Name: ValueNotMapped: Dislikes: sandwiches. is not mapped.


Resident Name: ValueNotMapped: Likes: extra gravy is not mapped.


4.4    What do the Integration Log Reports look like?

Once you have accessed the Integration Log Screen in SoupedUp, you will see a list of existing interface Errors.  On this screen you can Show/Hide Filters within the report (this allows you to filter the errors within a date range), or Generate the Report.

On this screen you can view each of the errors individually by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the Actions column. This will then present further details of the error and the file path as to where the data is being sourced from.

If you click to Generate Report, the report will produce in a .pdf file. 

Vendor Name


Method Name

Email Sent




<Resident Name>: ValueNotMapped: Assistive Beverage Devices: Plastic feeder cup - 2 handled is not mapped. ValueNotMapped: Dislikes: Mutton is not mapped.

<field/form information sourced from>


2021-09-16 12:37:22



<Resident Name>: ValueNotMapped: Dislikes: spicy or fatty foods is not mapped. ValueNotMapped: Dislikes: raw carrot is not mapped. 

<field/form information sourced from>


2021-09-15 09:51:28



<Resident Name>: ValueNotMapped: Assistive Beverage Devices: Plastic Mug is not mapped. ValueNotMapped: Likes: Most foods is not mapped.

<field/form information sourced from>


2021-09-02 15:44:54

<Clinical System>

Unable to get access token

<field/form information sourced from>


2021-08-29 21:05:08

5.    How Do I Action an Interface Error?

5.1    Connectivity Errors

If the interface error indicates a connectivity issue, you will be able to recognise this by the wording of the message.  There will not be a resident name as a part of the error message and the wording will indicate unable to connect.  EG.  Unable to get access token.

If you receive a message like this, you can troubleshoot it by:

  1. Checking your internet connections are working
  2. Contacting your IT department to ensure no updates have been made to your Clinical System server that have change the server address or identification
  3. Contact the SoupedUp Helpdesk for assistance

5.2    Data Errors

If the error messages contain wording such as ‘ValueNotMapped’ or ‘is not mapped’, this indicates that a term cannot be matched in SoupedUp.

The options you have for actioning these error types are:

  1. Change the data/term in your Clinical system to match a term accepted by SoupedUp (refer to our standard terms spreadsheet for guidance)
  2. Add a new term into your SU Dietary Settings (if not a term already present)
  3. Leave the information as it is in your Clinical System and accept that the data won’t map across into SoupedUp. These will continue to appear in your error reports.

Our recommendations are for you to action via options 1 and 2 where possible.

6.    Where can I find more information?

The SoupedUp Knowledge Base is a great source of information for you regarding all things SoupedUp.  It is accessible by clicking by Help option on your left-hand menu, then selecting Knowledge Base.


Another fabulous resource is our How To videos which you can access from your SoupedUp home page.  These are available to all users.  They are short 2-3 minute videos with step by step, screen by screen instructions to assist you.

Click here for the Understanding Integrations Video

Alternatively, contact our Support Team via:

•    Creating a Ticket via the Ticket Management option in your Help menu

•    Emailing us at support@soupedup.com, OR 

•    Calling 03 9543 4052