• Wing Management is where you can create, edit or delete Wings. 
  • Once Wings are created, you have the ability to create Sub-wings.
  • Wings and Sub-wings can be colour-coded.
  • Wings must be created before you create Rooms or add Residents.  

To access Wing Management:

  1. Click on Catering
  2. Select My Site
  3. Click Wings

To Create a Wing:

  1. Click the +Create Wing button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. A Create New Wing pop up will appear.  Enter a Name for the Wing.
  3. Select a colour for the Wing and click Choose.

        4. Click Save.

To Create a Sub-wing:

  1. Click the grey +Create Sub-wing button (this will only be visible if you have Wings created)
  2. A Create New Sub-wing pop-up will appear.  Select a parent wing, enter a Name for the Sub-wing, select a colour for the Sub-wing and click Choose.

       3. Click Save.

To Filter the view of Wings and Sub-wings:

  1. You can filter the view of your Wings and Sub-wings under Wing Management using the radio buttons:

To Edit a Wing or Sub-wing:

  1. Click on the Edit icon in the Actions column for your chosen Wing or Sub-wing.
  2. Update the Name as required, and click Save.

To Delete a Wing or Sub-wing:

You cannot delete a Wing if there are Sub-wings or Rooms attached to it.  These will need to be deleted first.

To Delete a Sub-wing:

  1. Click on the Delete icon in the Actions column for your chosen Sub-wing.
  2. A Delete Sub-Wing pop-up will appear, asking Are you sure you want to delete this record? If you are sure, click the red Delete button.
  3. This process can be repeated for the Wing, if desired.
    If a Rooms are attached to the Wing, you will receive an error message when trying to delete the Wing:

    To learn more about Rooms, click here.