• Manage Expenses is where all your budget expenses are listed.
  • Expenses can be shown in Calendar or List View.
  • This is also where you add new expenses.
  • Your Main Budget will display by default.

To access Manage Expenses:

  1. Click on Budgets in the side nav.
  2. Select Manage Expenses.
  3. Your Main Budget will display by default.  

If you don't have a Main Budget, or you wish to choose a different budget, make a selection from the 'Select Budget' drop-down list under the Manage Expenses heading:

Calendar View

Your selected budget will be displayed in Calendar View by default, with a separate tab for each month. Click on a chosen month to expand the view:

When you expand a month in  Calendar View you will see:

  • Forecast cost per Resident per day
  • Actual cost per Resident per day (for current month)
  • Operating Surplus/Deficit
  • Forecast Cost per Day
  • Each expense category has its own column and total:

Where an expense (s) has been entered for a particular date and category, clicking on the amount will open a List View, which details all the supplier and invoice information that that has been entered for that date and category:

List View

If you wish to change from Calendar to List View for a budget, click on the List View radio button (as shown above) and you will see all your invoiced expenses listed with the following information:

  • Date
  • Supplier
  • Invoice Number
  • Category
  • Amount
  • Total

To Add a new Expense, click on the blue +Add Expense button in the top right of the screen. 

There is also the option to Edit or Delete these expenses by selecting these buttons under the Actions column for a chosen Invoice:  

For more information,cClick on the following links to learn how to:

  1. Add a New Expense
  2. Edit an Expense, or
  3. Delete an Expense

Click here to learn how the various Budget calculations work.