There are three ways Contacts can be created in SoupedUp:

  • By default, when a new User is added, a Site Contact is created.
  • Adding a Site Contact in My Site (within our Catering module).
  • Adding an Organisation Contact in Contacts (within Administration). 

Each of these methods are explained below:

  1. By default - When in Administration, adding a user, creates a Contact profile automatically for the new User. As Users are linked to sites, this Contact will be linked to the same sites, by default. To see the Contact profile, click on Administration, then Contacts. The profile can also be seen in My Site under Site Contacts.

    When Viewing this Contact profile for the first time, it will only show basic Contact Details and default Linked Sites information (entered when adding the user):

    When Edit Contact is clicked in this Contact profile for the first time, you will be prompted to enter Address Details and additional tabs will become available - Comments and Linked Residents:
    The Linked Sites Tab will reflect the sites linked to the User.

    The Linked Residents tab will display all Residents in the Linked Sites. Tick the checkbox against the Resident/s you wish to assign to this Contact (if any).

    If there are many Residents in the list, you may prefer to use the Search box to locate chosen Residents. If you wish to assign all Linked Residents to this contact, simply 'Select All', then click Save.

  2. When in our Catering Module, click on My Site then Edit My Site.  From here you can Add Site Contact. You will only have access to do this if you are a Site Administrator. A Contact added in My Site will also appear in the list of Contacts in Administration.

  3. When in Administration, follow the steps below to +Add New Contact.  You will need to be a Manager or Administrator, or have been assigned custom User permissions, in order to +Add New Contact: 
    1. Select Contacts.
    2. Click on the +Add New Contact button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
    3. Enter the mandatory Contact Detail information including First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Title.
    4. The Status (Active) and Organisation details will populate by default.
    5. Click Save.

      The Contact has now been saved but is only linked to the Organisation, not any sites.

      If you would like to link the Contact to specific sites within the Organisation (including any Residents), continue with step 6. to step 11.

    6. When you click Save, the following four additional tabs appear.  
    7. You will now need to enter the Address details as a required field.
    8. Click on the Comments tab and add any comments, if needed.
    9. Ensure you also click on the Linked Sites tab, and update as needed.
    10. As discussed above, the Linked Residents tab will display all Residents in the Linked Sites. Tick the checkbox against the Resident/s you wish to assign to this Contact (if any).

      If there are many Residents in the list, you may prefer to use the Search box to locate chosen Residents. If you wish to assign all Linked Residents to this contact, simply 'Select All':
    11. Click Save.