In line with maintaining safety and security of systems, SoupedUp has made some changes over recent months, which included auto-deactivation of unused accounts greater than 3 months.  In addition, please also note, SoupedUp Support cannot manage your active or new user updates or access requirements.

Client Administrators for SoupedUp are provided at the time of implementation of SoupedUp and Administrators have the highest level of access to your SoupedUp application and you need to be an Administrator in order to manage and edit user profiles.  To learn more about User Roles and Permissions in SoupedUp, click here.

To edit a User profile:

  1. Click on Administration from the side nav:
  2. Select Users:

  3. Use the Show/Hide Filters to search for the chosen User by User Group or By Name.  You can also use 'Sort By' to sort by Email/Login, Full Name, Last Login or User Group:

  4. Once you have located the User, click on the Name, or the Edit icon in their Actions column, to open their profile:

  5. Make the required changes to the User's personal details, Site Access or Permissions, then click Save.