The Head Office Site Details And Texture Details Summary provides a summary of the Textures and Special Diets. This report can be generated for the whole Organisation or by selected Sites.  This report can be produced as a PDF.


The Information of this report includes:

  1. Total Sites
  2. Resident Status
  3. Total Resident
  4. Person Type
  5. Food Texture Framework
  6. Fluid Textures
  7. Special Diet

The Site Details And Texture Details Summary report can be customised in the following ways: 


Generate Report by:

  • Organisation
  • Site

Page Orientation:

  • Portrait
  • Landscape



  • Sites

Follow these steps to download and print the Site Details And Texture Details Summary:

  1. Change your Site to your Head Office Site
  2. Select Catering from the side navigation.
  3. Click on Reports.
  4. Select Head Office.
  5. Click on Site Details And Texture Details Summary.
  6. Customise the Report, by select the desired options listed above.
  7. Click Generate Report.
  8. Click on the downloaded PDF to View and Print.